BNAM 2021
The Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting BNAM 2021, organised by NAS on behalf of the NAA, took place at 3-4th of May 2021 as a digital conference.
All the papers for BNAM 2021 are available and downloadable for free.
- On the road to silent waste collection
Marko Antila, Lasse Lamula - Road traffic noise spectra – the need for updates
Truls Berge, Herold Olsen - A suggestion to repeatability assessment in random incidence sound absorption measurements
Mads Bolberg, David Duhalde Rahbæk - Room acoustic conditions in primary schools
Erlend Bolstad - Impulse noise from weights dropped on concrete floors
Anders Buen - Some aspects of the acoustics of the Hardanger fiddle
Anders Buen - Distributed acoustic acquisition with low-cost embedded systems
Andres Clavijo, Guillaume Dutilleux - The WOODSOL project: summary of the acoustic activities and preliminary results
Simone Conta, Anders Homb - Studying Acoustics at NTNU
Guillaume Dutilleux, Peter Svensson - Vibration measurements during soil-rock sounding – a comparison between accelerometers and geophones
Editha Ehrmanntraut, Carl Wersäll - Practical aspects of road noise mapping in Sweden using CNOSSOS-EU
Andreas Gustafson, Anders Genell - 56 YEARS OF LISTENING «I found, I found!»
Tor Halmrast - CEPSTRUM; a “forgotten” analysis?
Tor Halmrast - Better hearing rehabilitation for adult first-time users (the BEAR project)
Dorte Hammershøi - Helmholz-based absorbers for low frequencies and large spaces
Anders Homb - Structure borne sound from tunneling works for underground infrastructure
Clas Ola Høsøien - Uncertainties in measurement of impact sound and consequences for conformity assessment
Clas Ola Høsøien - Comparison of Different Computational Methods for Acoustic Wave Propagation
Mads Herring Jensen, Bertil Nistad - Wavebreaker – a new innovative interference sound damper for railway noise
Tony Johansson - Noise spectra for railborne noise sources when calculating sound insulation of façade elements
Tore Fodnes Killengreen, Sigmund Olafsen - Impact sound pressure values – Field measurements for different configurations of concrete slabs on the ground
Bernt Mikal Larsen - Swedish input data for road traffic noise in CNOSSOS-EU
Krister Larsson - Consequences of revised sound insulation requirements between dwellings in Norway
Anders Løvstad, Per Kåre Limmesand - Features of reverberation time criteria application for sound classification in Lithuania
Marius Mickaitis, Aleksandras Jagniatinskis, Boris Fiks - Sound absorption of slat structures for practical applications
Henrik Möller, Janne Rionheimo, Nella Näveri, Tapio Lokki - A review of STI measurements
Henrik Möller - Noise from 90-tonnes vehicles, measurements and input to the prediction method
Henrik Naglitsch, Linda Grenvall - Using Digital Tools to Analyse and Validate Sound Measurements
Fredrik Norell - The correlation between outdoor and indoor vibrations from metro trains in Oslo
Sigmund Olafsen - Spectrum shape of road traffic noise at 50 km/h
Sigmund Olafsen, Tore F. Killengreen - Annoyance due to vibrations caused by metro trains in Oslo
Sigmund Olafsen - Acoustics in rooms for music rehearsal and performance – the Norwegian experience
Jon G. Olsen - Acoustic regulations and design of the multipurpose hall and exhibition halls of the new Munch museum in Oslo
Jannicke Olshausen - Searching the musical rehearsal room
Jens Holger Rindel - Acoustical aspects of the transverse flute from 1700 to present
Jens Holger Rindel - Effects of Intermittent Noise on Real Ear Measurements in Hearing Aid Fitting
Palle Rye, Sreeram Kaithali Narayanan, Dorte Hammershøi - Uncertainty in Industrial Noise Calculations with Nordic Prediction Method
Arne Scheck - Noise assessment study on the Coenbrug/Amsterdam
Raymond Siemons, Ysbrand Wijnant, Anders Olsen - Can our standard digital tools predict the sound insulation in wooden buildings ? A systematic comparison with laboratory and field measurements made on various floor constructions
Christian Simmons - Live concert or headphone listening? The binaural signal and the musical experience
Magne Skålevik - Experience from a large-scale railway project- handling multiple environmental noise sources in populated areas
Adam Suleiman, Nelly-Ann Molland - Assignment list for acoustic design in Finnish building construction projects
Pekka Taina, Matias Remes - Prediction of ground-borne vibrations for Copenhagen Metro
Edita Talic, Jacob Egede Andersen, Simon Rex - Measurements and analysis of ventilation equipment noise according to the ISO 16032
Mykhailo Yaroshenko, Dmitri Tishko